31 programs in Sønderborg
- MSc
- Danimarca
- Sønderborg
31 programs in Sønderborg
In primo piano
University of Southern Denmark
MSc in IT – Web Communication Design
- Odense, Danimarca
- Kolding, Danimarca + 1 more
Tempo pieno
2 anni
Nel campus
This MSc is a multi-disciplinary graduate program that combines IT, communication and organization. We emphasize the interaction between humans and information technology and combine research-based knowledge with challenges from practice.
In primo piano
University of Southern Denmark
Master in Economia e Gestione delle Imprese - Gestione delle Risorse Umane
- Odense, Danimarca
- Sønderborg, Danimarca
Tempo pieno
2 anni
Nel campus
Il programma Gestione delle risorse umane è correlato ad altri due programmi: Strategia e Organizzazione e Organizzazione dei processi di innovazione. Questi programmi hanno una serie comune di corsi organizzativi e strategici, ma con contenuti aggiuntivi. Come indica il nome, il programma in Gestione delle risorse umane offre un corso specializzato nella gestione delle risorse umane.
In primo piano
University of Southern Denmark
MSc in Economics and Business Administration - Strategy and Organization
- Odense, Danimarca
- Sønderborg, Danimarca
Tempo pieno
2 anni
Nel campus
The Strategy and Organization program focuses on how to create and capture value formulation and implementation of business and corporate strategies. Students gain knowledge about important issues within contemporary strategic management and organization design. The program develops your skills in areas of industry, competitive, and organizational analysis, and you learn to apply theories and methods in strategy formulation and implementation projects.
In primo piano
University of Southern Denmark
MSc in Economics and Business Administration - Management Accounting
- Odense, Danimarca
- Sønderborg, Danimarca
Tempo pieno
2 anni
Nel campus
The program gives you competences for preparation, development, and usage of economic and other reporting used in all types of firms and competences in arguing for the consequences of choosing different designs of management control systems. Through the program, you will gain skills in designing and using financial reporting and other accounting models.
In primo piano
University of Southern Denmark
MSc in Economics and Business Administration - International Business and Marketing
- Odense, Danimarca
- Sønderborg, Danimarca
Tempo pieno
2 anni
Nel campus
You will be prepared for challenges related to the development of international business and marketing strategies in light of global megatrends, strategic partnerships, and marketing channels and therewith for positions in many functional areas around the world.
In primo piano
University of Southern Denmark
MSc in Economics and Business Administration - International Business and Management
- Odense, Danimarca
- Sønderborg, Danimarca
Tempo pieno
2 anni
Nel campus
SDU invites you to a unique program in International Business (IB) that offers two years of research insights and theoretical knowledge applied to real-world case-challenges. You will be prepared for challenges related to the development of international business strategies, strategic partnerships, and marketing channels and therewith for positions in many functional areas around the world.
In primo piano
University of Southern Denmark
MSc in Economics and Business Administration - Global Marketing and Consumer Culture
- Odense, Danimarca
- Sønderborg, Danimarca
Tempo pieno
2 anni
Nel campus
This unique program prepares you for the changing role of marketing and communication in a fast-paced globalized cultural economy. It teaches you to understand the relationships between marketing and culture as a foundation for adjusting to cultural differences and responding to contemporary challenges and trends in consumer societies around the globe.
In primo piano
University of Southern Denmark
MSc in Economics and Business Administration - Brand Management and Marketing Communication
- Odense, Danimarca
- Sønderborg, Danimarca
Tempo pieno
2 anni
Nel campus
This Master profile focuses on marketing communication processes from the corporate to the brand level using advanced socio-cultural theoretical perspectives on consumer markets. Students will acquire the competence to analyze the fundamental social and cultural principles and logics that underlie contemporary branding and communication challenges, using state-of-the-art marketing thought and advanced ethnographic methods.
In primo piano
University of Southern Denmark
MSc in Cultural Sociology
- Sønderborg, Danimarca
- Esbjerg, Danimarca
Tempo pieno
2 anni
Nel campus
The master program in Cultural Sociology provides you with specialized socio-cultural analytical and methodological competencies that support a career as project manager and facilitator of transformation processes or as a relations manager in (inter-organizational) associations. You will become an attractive asset for organizations and companies that work with local development and interaction with users, citizens, clients, and consumers.
In primo piano
University of Southern Denmark
MSc in Physics
- Odense, Danimarca
- Sønderborg, Danimarca
Tempo pieno
2 anni
Nel campus
With internationally awarded and acknowledged research groups at the forefront of Physics, SDU has one of the most versatile and dynamic academic environments to offer you a specialised education in the fields of Computational Physics, Particle Physics & Cosmology, Quantum Optics, and Soft Matter & Statistical Physics.
In primo piano
University of Southern Denmark
MSc in Mathematics
- Odense, Danimarca
- Sønderborg, Danimarca
Tempo pieno
2 anni
Nel campus
The Master's degree program in Mathematics develops your knowledge of scientific theories and methods, your experience in working independently with scientific questions, and your ability to express yourself clearly on academic issues.
In primo piano
University of Southern Denmark
MSc in Computer Science
- Odense, Danimarca
- Sønderborg, Danimarca
Tempo pieno
2 anni
Nel campus
We offer a versatile 2-year Master's degree program in Computer Science, with the possibility of specializing in Algorithms, Concurrency, and Logic or Data Science.
In primo piano
University of Southern Denmark
MSc in Chemistry
- Odense, Danimarca
- Sønderborg, Danimarca
Tempo pieno
2 anni
Nel campus
As a student of Chemistry, you get the opportunity to work in some of the country’s best laboratories and you have great job and career prospects when you graduate. In the Chemistry program, you will become part of the research of chemical compounds for new pharmaceutical products and modified DNA, which will help us target infected cells in the body.
In primo piano
University of Southern Denmark
MSc in Biology
- Odense, Danimarca
- Sønderborg, Danimarca
Tempo pieno
2 anni
Nel campus
The Master's degree program in Biology combines a broad foundation in natural sciences with state-of-the-art knowledge and advanced experimental methodology within biology.
In primo piano
University of Southern Denmark
MSc in Applied Mathematics
- Odense, Danimarca
- Sønderborg, Danimarca
Tempo pieno
2 anni
Nel campus
In the Applied mathematics program, you will learn to model and solve problems from the practical world using advanced mathematical methods. Aside from the basic mathematical principles, the Applied mathematics program will acquaint you with mathematical modeling, i.e. formulating complex problems in applications as mathematical problems, in order to analyze them and perform calculations digitally.
Tipo di corso di laurea popolare
Piano didattico popolare
MSc Programmi in Sønderborg, Danimarca
Situato nella regione della Danimarca meridionale e con una popolazione di oltre 25.000 abitanti è la città Sønderborg. E 'sede di rami campus della University College di Sud e University of Southern Denmark.
Istruzione superiore Danimarca 's mette l'accento su una formazione tecnica superiore attraverso l'apprendimento universitario. La maggior parte delle università danesi offre anche la qualità della cultura studenti internazionale grazie al suo atteggiamento rilassato scandinavo.
L'MSc, o Master in Discipline scientifiche, è un titolo accademico riconosciuto a livello internazionale che segnala la competenza e la conoscenza acquisite in un determinato argomento o campo. La maggior parte dei corsi di studio MSc richiede circa due anni per essere completata, dopo di che alcuni scelgono di entrare nel mondo del lavoro, mentre altri continuano a studiare.