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University of Lincoln MSc Marketing
University of Lincoln

MSc Marketing

Lincoln, Regno Unito

1 up to 2 Years


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MSc Marketing at the University of Lincoln gives students the opportunity to prepare themselves for a career in marketing by developing their understanding of marketing theory and acquiring important skills that are necessary for today's marketing environment, such as team working, written and oral presentations, and analysis of data for strategic thinking.

The program is taught by a team of experienced academics and practitioners, helping students to acquire and advance the knowledge that will be useful in their academic as well as business careers. The program is available for either a September or February start.

Students will have the chance to hear from guest speakers working in the industry and may work on live projects provided by external businesses. Students can also take part in field trips in the UK or abroad.

The course is offered with two separate Pathways. Students can either complete one year of study or undertake a two-year course where one year is spent in Professional Practice to gain hands-on experience through a paid placement. Students will be responsible for sourcing their own paid placements but will be supported by dedicated employability specialists. Please note: students need to choose the Professional Practice Pathway from the outset when applying for the course, and it is only available for a September start.

Prioritising Face-to-Face Teaching

At the University of Lincoln, we strive to ensure our students’ experience is engaging, supportive, and academically challenging. Throughout the Coronavirus pandemic, we have adapted to Government guidance to keep our students, staff, and community safe. All remaining Covid-19 legal restrictions in England were lifted in February 2022 under the Government&rsquo's Plan for Living with Covid-19, and we have embraced a safe return to in-person teaching on campus. Where appropriate, face-to-face teaching is enhanced by the use of digital tools and technology and may be complemented by online opportunities where these support learning outcomes.

We are fully prepared to adapt our plans if changes in Government guidance make this necessary, and we will endeavor to keep current and prospective students informed.

Industry Links

Guest lectures with industry experts are organised in different modules of the programme. For some of the modules, students may be provided with a live brief from a local company on which they will work for their assessment. The offer of live briefs is subject to business availability.

"This information was correct at the time of publishing (July 2023)"


Esito del programma

Borse di studio e finanziamenti

Tassa di iscrizione al programma


Sulla scuola
