MSc Fashion Management
Lincoln, Regno Unito
1 up to 2 Years
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I nostri webinar, corsi di perfezionamento, sessioni di domande e risposte e conferenze degli studenti sono un ottimo modo per scoprire com'è vivere e studiare all'Università University of Lincoln .
This Master's program is suitable for those wishing to pursue a management career in the globalized fashion industry. Exploring a variety of disciplines in purchasing, forecasting, analysis, and marketing, with sustainability embedded throughout. It enables students to develop the skills needed to pursue their own brand or business idea or enter into the highly competitive fashion industry.
Covering three disciplinary areas of management, marketing, and fashion, this course aims to produce graduates who are able to analyze consumer and society trends to develop effective purchasing, retail, and promotional strategies. Students have the opportunity to undertake live assessments and gain hands-on experience through the student-as-producer approach.
The program is taught by a team of international academics and benefits from guest speakers who are professionals in fashion and other business areas.
The course also works in close collaboration with the Fashion BA program, which provides a unique hands-on experience for students.
Applications are welcome from a broad range of degree disciplines, including design, business, arts, and social sciences.
Contact hours
Each module typically consists of two or three weekly teaching hours over a teaching term of 12 weeks. Four modules are usually studied per semester, equating to eight to 12 hours per week. Part-time students will generally study two modules per term, equating to four to six hours of contact time per week. Hours of study may vary from term to term for both full and part-time students and can be spread throughout the week.
Postgraduate level study involves a significant proportion of independent study, exploring the material covered in lectures and seminars. As a general guide, for every hour spent in class, students are expected to spend two to three hours in an independent study.
Programme-Specific Additional Costs
For each course, students may find that there are additional costs. These may be with regard to the specific clothing, materials, or equipment required, depending on the course. Some courses provide opportunities for students to undertake fieldwork or field trips. Where these are compulsory, the cost of the travel, accommodation, and meals may be covered by the University and so is included in the fee. Where these are optional students will normally (unless stated otherwise) be required to pay their own transportation, accommodation, and meal costs.
With regards to textbooks, the University provides students who enroll with a comprehensive reading list and our extensive library holds either material or virtual versions of the core texts that students are required to read. However, students may prefer to purchase some of these for themselves and in this case, will be responsible for the cost.
Industry Expertise
Lincoln International Business School has an experienced team of staff, which is made up of academically and professionally qualified lecturers with relevant industrial experience and finance experts with wide research interests.
The Business School hosts a series of visiting speakers each year. As part of the School, students will have the opportunity to learn from industry experts. Previous speakers have included representatives from organizations such as Deloitte, Santander, HSBC, Innocent, The Institute of Internal Auditors, and Sir David Tweedie (ex-Chairman of the IASB).
Students will also have the chance to build their skills and knowledge further with extra-curricular activities such as joining a society, volunteering, or becoming a Student Ambassador.
Fashion Management Online Showcase
As part of the MSc Fashion Management final assessment, students are tasked with putting together a live fashion show using designs from third-year BA (Hons) Fashion students.
However, as a response to the COVID-19 pandemic, which saw the live show canceled, the students opted instead to continue to promote the students' work with an online showcase using social media.
Watch a summary of the digital promotion produced by MSc Fashion Management students.
"This information was correct at the time of publishing (July 2023)"
Esito del programma
How You Study
Il Programma riunisce le tre aree disciplinari di management, marketing e moda, con l'obiettivo di dotare gli studenti di carriere nel fashion management. Il Master in Fashion Management combina moduli generici di business e gestione con moduli specialistici nella moda, tra cui acquisti di moda e merchandising.
I moduli aziendali e gestionali consentono agli studenti di sviluppare la loro comprensione su come lavorare in team e su come ottenere, interpretare e utilizzare le informazioni finanziarie per la gestione dei budget. Nel frattempo, i moduli di marketing sul comportamento dei consumatori, sulla comunicazione della moda e sul marketing digitale forniscono le conoscenze e le competenze necessarie per costruire marchi e gestire campagne promozionali.
Dopo la parte insegnata del programma, gli studenti sono tenuti a completare un progetto finale, progettato per incoraggiare l'innovazione e diversi Pathways verso il prodotto finale valutato. Da questo punto di vista, si tratta di un progetto esteso che può accogliere una serie di lavori indipendenti.
Ogni modulo consiste tipicamente di due ore di insegnamento settimanali nell'arco di un periodo di insegnamento di 12 settimane. Di solito vengono studiati quattro moduli a semestre, equivalenti a 8-12 ore settimanali. Gli studenti part-time studieranno generalmente due moduli per trimestre, equivalenti a quattro-sei ore di contatto a settimana. L'orario di studio può variare da trimestre a trimestre sia per gli studenti a tempo pieno che per quelli part-time e può essere distribuito nell'arco della settimana.
Lo studio di livello post-laurea prevede una percentuale significativa di studio indipendente, esplorando il materiale trattato in lezioni e seminari. Come guida generale, per ogni ora trascorsa in classe, gli studenti dovrebbero trascorrere due o tre ore nello studio indipendente. Per informazioni più dettagliate contattare il Responsabile del Programma.
Borse di studio e finanziamenti
Several scholarship options are available. Please check the university website for more information.