MA Pace, resilienza e giustizia sociale
12 up to 27 Months
Tempo pieno, Mezza giornata
Richiedi la scadenza per la domanda
Sep 2024
GBP 20.468 *
Nel campus
* internazionale: £ 18.566/anno
Il nostro Master in Pace, resilienza e giustizia sociale è progettato per coloro che cercano una comprensione avanzata delle principali tendenze contemporanee che modellano il nostro mondo, come crisi ambientale, crescente disuguaglianza e divisione sociale, scarsità di risorse e conflitti violenti.
Borse di studio e finanziamenti
Every year we award numerous non-repayable scholarships to UK, EU and international students based on academic excellence, personal circumstances or economic hardship.
What you will study
Tutte le informazioni sui moduli sono per l'ingresso nel 2023 e sono soggette a modifiche. Primo anno
- Sistemi socio-ecologici e crisi: concetti, casi, contestazioni
- Studying Peace in a Changing World
- Creative Practice in Conflict Engagement and Peacebuilding
- Dissertation
- Applied Conflict Research
- African Politics and Security Dynamics
- Theories and Practices of Conflict Resolution
- Critical Perspectives on Sustainable Development
- Security and Development in Fragile and Conflict-Affected Areas
- Teorie e pratiche della trasformazione del conflitto
- Natural Resource Governance
- Sustainable Cities
- Gender, Conflict and Development
- Assessing Development Practices Needs and Outcomes
- Middle East Politics and Security Dynamics
- Ambiente, tratta e criminalità: questioni transnazionali e governance internazionale
- Peacekeeping and Peacebuilding
- Africa Study Visit
- University Semester 1 Elective
- University Semester 2 Elective
Placement Year
You can choose to include an internship as part of your course, in which case you will study over 15 months rather than a year. To do this, you should initially register for the one-year programme and then transfer to the 15-month programme when you have secured a placement, any time up until the middle of Semester 2.
The internship/placement further enhances the development of professional experience and practical skills during your master's programme, integrating practitioner community engagement with your academic studies.
This element is student-centred and student-led, and therefore the initiative for identifying and applying for internships is driven by you. Academic staff can facilitate and support the identification of suitable opportunities with leads and suggestions, help with the writing of applications, and provide supporting letters of reference. They provide customised preparatory training before, and mentoring support during, the placement or internship.
The internship/placement can be taken with an organisation anywhere in the world. You'll need to detail your proposed activities and receive approval before the opportunity is finalised.
Once the internship/placement is complete you'll return to the programme, submit a completion report summarising key learning points, and then undertake your Master's dissertation. Students often use their placement period and experience to inform and shape their dissertation.
Learning and assessment
Throughout your time on the MA Peace, Resilience and Social Justice, you will be actively engaged in a diverse range of online and offline learning activities designed to develop your capacities for thoughtful analysis and reflective practice.
These will include individual and group tasks that require you to apply theoretical concepts to real-world dynamics and scenarios. As such, the emphasis in timetabled online and campus-based teaching sessions will often be on active, problem-based learning activities, with students undertaking reading and other preparatory work beforehand. This ‘flipped classroom’ approach maximises opportunities for discussion and feedback, whilst using selected inputs – such as short lectures, readings, or videos – to both frame and deepen the learning experience.
Ci sarà un'enfasi sulla pratica, il feedback e la riflessione durante tutto il programma. Avrai opportunità di sviluppare i tuoi interessi, ad esempio tramite casi di studio scelti per studio e valutazione e la progettazione e l'esecuzione del tuo progetto di tesi finale. Creare numerose e varie opportunità per impegnarsi e imparare gli uni dagli altri nel programma è parte integrante della promozione di un ambiente di apprendimento inclusivo.
Our approach to learning and teaching makes a conscious effort to encourage collaboration and honest dialogue and puts significant emphasis on the development of interpersonal and intercultural skills. Throughout, the curriculum is designed to encourage reflection on the relative (un)peacefulness of relationships, and this includes the interpersonal level and the wider structures in which interpersonal dynamics are situated. Reflections on power, inequality and privilege will open up difficult conversations about dynamics that can stand in the way of inclusion, while other parts of the curriculum explore the question of how constructive changes can be fostered and encouraged.
Il nostro obiettivo generale è quello di formare professionisti riflessivi che adottino un approccio ponderato nel relazionarsi con gli altri; le nostre pratiche come team di docenti cercano di modellare e promuovere questa etica.
Tassa di iscrizione al programma
Opportunità di carriera
Career prospects
Le complesse e convergenti crisi sociali ed ecologiche che le società contemporanee affrontano oggi hanno bisogno di persone che possano portare una comprensione dei sistemi complessi, un impegno verso i valori fondamentali e le pratiche di restauro e un approccio creativo per coinvolgere le parti interessate e le comunità nell'affrontarle. Questo programma MA è progettato per supportarti nello sviluppo di queste competenze.
Il programma è inoltre concepito per offrire ai professionisti che già operano nel settore l'opportunità di riflettere, fare il punto della situazione e pianificare i prossimi passi del loro percorso come studiosi/professionisti.
Career support
The University is committed to helping students develop and enhance employability and this is an integral part of many programmes. Specialist support is available throughout the course from Career and Employability Services including help to find part-time work while studying, placements, vacation work and graduate vacancies. Students are encouraged to access this support at an early stage and to use the extensive resources on the Careers website.
Discussing options with specialist advisers helps to clarify plans through exploring options and refining skills of job-hunting. In most of our programmes, there is direct input by Career Development Advisers into the curriculum or through specially arranged workshops.
Testimonianze degli studenti
Programma di studio
- 14 months January start
- 12 months September start
- 27 months January start
- 24 months September start