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University of Bologna Master in Bioinformatics
University of Bologna

Master in Bioinformatics

Bologna, Italia

2 Years


Tempo pieno

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Registrati subito alla FIERA VIRTUALE – Master | 26 febbraio



What is Bioinformatics? Why do we need it? Which biomedical and nanotechnological applications need Bioinformatics?

The International Bologna Master in Bioinformatics addresses these questions and aims to generate knowledge and expertise in specific fields of Biology, Biotechnology, and Medicine, where it is fundamental to refer to and retrieve bio-molecular data stored in Biomedical Databases.

In the post-genomic era, it is urgent for the advancement of science and technological applications to manage billions of biological data in order to store and retrieve the correct information. Furthermore, it is necessary to improve existing methods or alternatively to develop new ones for the analysis of genes, genomes, polymorphisms, and their correlation to different pathologies.

5 reasons to enroll in the degree program

  1. An interdisciplinary subject at the intersection of modern “Omic” Biology and Data Science
  2. An international course connected with the main European research hubs in Bioinformatics
  3. Il Master ti fornirà formazione in informatica, statistica, machine learning e tecniche avanzate per l'analisi dei Big Data
  4. Hands-on activities will equip you with practical skills suited to work in applied Biomedical and Biotechnological fields
  5. Speciali corsi avanzati presentano i punti caldi della ricerca di base e applicata sulla complessità dei sistemi biologici

Tassa di iscrizione al programma

Borse di studio e finanziamenti

English Language Requirements

Certifica la tua conoscenza della lingua inglese con il Duolingo English Test! Il DET è un test di inglese online comodo, veloce e conveniente accettato da oltre 4.000 università (come questa) in tutto il mondo.

Sulla scuola
