Master in Global Hospitality Management
San Roque, Spagna
1 Years
Tempo pieno
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Feb 2025
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Il Master in Global Hospitality Management presso Schellhammer Business School si basa sui nostri anni di dedizione al mondo degli affari e aggiunge una forte specializzazione ai campi principali dell'ospitalità.
Students on this Master’s programme will delve into the Global Hospitality Management essentials, including Rooms Division & Operational Management, Food & Beverage Administration as well as Tourism Marketing, without losing sight of the challenges of Sustainability in the Tourism sector and the core knowledge about the Architecture of the Mind and Consumer Behaviour.
With a strong focus on developing strong creative, critical and analytical thinking skills the Master in Global Hospitality Management at Schellhammer Business School provides a stepstone to a career with highest responsibilities in the Hospitality Industry on a global scale.
Whether you are looking to enhance your skills and move your career to the next level with an outlook towards the upcoming decades or keen on boosting yourself to start your own hospitality business, this is a Master programme that covers all the options.
Series of modules, seminars and workshops covering the following topics:
- Global Strategies of Negotiation
- Ethics & Philosophical Anthropology
- Industrial Visits & Critical Analysis
- Rooms Division & Operational Management
- Consumer Behaviour
- Human Resources in the Hospitality Industry
- Sustainability in Business
- Leadership & Management for Change
- Delusions & Realities
- State of Humanity and the Planet
- Food & Beverage Administration
- Architecture of the Mind
- Conceptual & Strategic Global Solutions
- Tourism Marketing
- Concepts of Personal Development
- Final Research Paper
Please note that subjects offered may vary from the published list and are revised periodically to ensure maximum relevance to the related industry and business world. Language classes are based on demand (minimum of five students) per level and must be chosen prior to the start of the semester.
Course Information
- Course Code: MBA-200
- Course Duration: 1 academic year
- Semester 1: October / Semester 2: February
- ECTS (European Credit Transfer System): 90
Serie di moduli, seminari e workshop sui seguenti argomenti:
- Strategie globali di negoziazione
- Etica e antropologia filosofica
- Visite industriali e analisi critica
- Divisione camere e gestione operativa
- Comportamento dei consumatori
- Risorse umane nel settore dell'ospitalità
- Sostenibilità nel mondo degli affari
- Leadership e gestione per il cambiamento
- Delusioni e realtà
- Stato dell'Umanità e il Pianeta
- Amministrazione di alimenti e bevande
- Architettura della mente
- Soluzioni globali concettuali e strategiche
- Marketing turistico
- Concetti di sviluppo personale
- Documento di ricerca finale
Si prega di notare che i soggetti offerti possono variare dall'elenco pubblicato e sono periodicamente rivisti per garantire la massima rilevanza per il mondo dell'industria e del mondo correlato. Le lezioni di lingua sono basate sulla domanda (minimo cinque studenti) per livello e devono essere scelte prima dell'inizio del semestre.