Programma MEIG - Master di studi avanzati sulla governance europea e internazionale
Geneva, Svizzera
10 Months
Mezza giornata
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Sep 2025
CHF 25.000
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Il Master of Advanced Studies in European and International Governance (programma MEIG) è progettato per studenti e giovani professionisti che hanno ottenuto almeno un diploma di laurea. Mira a trasferire conoscenze sulla governance europea e internazionale, oltre a fornire ai partecipanti le competenze professionali essenziali per diventare leader in questo campo specifico. Il programma MEIG prepara i partecipanti a posizioni di rilievo nelle amministrazioni nazionali a tutti i livelli, organizzazioni internazionali o regionali, ONG e aziende pubbliche o private.
Il programma di questo Master fornisce formazione in Europa e governance internazionale e prende l'Agenda 2030 e gli Obiettivi di sviluppo sostenibile come sfondo in tutti i moduli.
Ha lo scopo di sensibilizzare gli studenti su varie questioni attuali e fornire loro le competenze teoriche e pratiche necessarie per risolvere i problemi che affrontano nelle loro attività quotidiane. Il Programma copre e analizza, sia dal punto di vista teorico che pratico, un'ampia gamma di questioni tematiche come la migrazione, i diritti umani, la pace e la sicurezza, la governance digitale, il commercio e lo sviluppo internazionali, la salute e l'ambiente globali, il cambiamento climatico e la tutela dell'opinione pubblica. -partenariato privato per l'attuazione dell'Agenda 2030.
Studenti potenziali
Il programma MEIG è progettato per persone che lavorano o desiderano lavorare nel settore privato o pubblico in una varietà di campi relativi a questioni di governance multilivello. Facilita l'accesso a posizioni professionali in aziende di medie dimensioni o multinazionali, governi o ministeri (economia, finanza, giustizia, affari esteri, agricoltura, ambiente, sanità, ecc.), amministrazioni nazionali, organizzazioni europee e internazionali, ONG, associazioni e fondazioni.
La caratteristica principale di tutte queste entità è la risoluzione dei problemi relativi alla governance e alla gestione sullo sfondo delle attuali grandi sfide a livello internazionale, regionale, nazionale e subnazionale. Il programma di questo Master consente ai partecipanti di acquisire non solo competenze multidisciplinari in diritto, economia e politica, ma anche capacità di negoziazione e comunicazione, consentendo loro di affrontare le sfide contemporanee in un contesto globale. Noi
incoraggiare le candidature di tutti i partecipanti qualificati in tutto il mondo con vari Pathways professionali e piani di carriera.
Lingua e luogo
Questo programma multidisciplinare è insegnato in inglese presso l'Università di Ginevra. I seminari sono integrati da visite alle organizzazioni internazionali con sede a Ginevra e alle istituzioni europee con sede a Bruxelles, affinché i partecipanti possano acquisire una comprensione approfondita del funzionamento di queste entità e del ruolo che svolgono nella governance regionale e internazionale.
Borse di studio e finanziamenti
Finanziare i tuoi studi
Incoraggiamo gli studenti a pianificare attentamente e con largo anticipo gli aspetti finanziari del loro programma MEIG e ad esplorare tutte le opportunità di finanziamento dei loro studi. Le possibili fonti di finanziamento includono:
- Familiari stretti ed allargati, parenti e amici;
- Fondazioni di sovvenzione private nel tuo paese d'origine;
- Fornitori di borse di studio governative nel tuo paese d'origine;
- Enti erogatori di borse di studio non governative nel tuo paese d'origine, comprese organizzazioni private e ONG;
- Fornitori di prestiti, come banche e società specializzate in prestiti agli studenti nel tuo paese d'origine;
- Risparmi sulle entrate del tuo lavoro;
- Supporto da parte del datore di lavoro sotto forma di prestito, anticipo sullo stipendio, sovvenzione o congedo assistito;
- Raccolta di fondi;
- Una combinazione di fonti di finanziamento.
In alcuni casi, potrebbe essere necessario molto tempo per pianificare e mettere insieme tutte le risorse necessarie per finanziare il tuo programma di studi.
Borse di studio del programma MEIG
Viene offerta una serie di borse di studio diverse per aiutare a coprire le tasse universitarie.
Possono presentare domanda per le borse di studio tutti i candidati al Master “Governance europea e internazionale”. Le richieste di borsa di studio per i partecipanti in entrata devono essere presentate insieme alla domanda del candidato.
In caso di assegnazione, l'importo del contributo economico viene calcolato in base alla situazione finanziaria del richiedente, come riportato nel modulo di richiesta della borsa di studio. I candidati sono incoraggiati a fornire quante più informazioni possibili, per dare un quadro completo della propria situazione finanziaria, nonché di quella dei genitori e/o del coniuge.
Oltre a questo modulo, si prega di inviare i seguenti documenti giustificativi, tradotti in inglese, se necessario (le traduzioni in inglese non devono essere certificate ufficialmente a questo scopo):
- Copie delle dichiarazioni ufficiali dei redditi (tue e/o di altre persone rilevanti, familiari o altri, a cui potresti chiedere supporto);
- Dichiarazione ufficiale di una banca o altro istituto di risparmio e/o moduli fiscali, indicanti fondi e attività disponibili;
- Copie delle risposte alle altre richieste di borsa di studio e/o prestito, anche da parte dei datori di lavoro, se applicabile.
Senza gli estratti conto e dei redditi (1. e 2.) non è possibile trattare la tua richiesta di borsa di studio.
The MEIG Programme corresponds to 62 ECTS. The Master starts with an introduction to the concept of governance, its meaning, and implications, followed by ten thematic and methodological modules covered by the study programme. Lectures take place during the first six months (from September to March) and are followed by a third period (from April to June) dedicated to the end-of-study project. This project shall take one of the following forms: the writing of a classic master thesis on a topic related to the study of the programme, the accomplishment of an internship and the drafting of a related report, or the development of a professional project on a topic related to the professional activity of the participants within the framework of the study programme.
Programme MEIG in a Nutshell
- Introduction to the Concept of Governance, Definitions, Scope and Implications
- Architecture of the European Union and European Governance
- The Architecture of the United Nations System and Global Governance
- Key skills for a National or International Career dealing with Global Issues
- Human Rights and Migration
- Peace, Security, and Humanitarian Affairs
- Digital Governance
- International Trade and Development
- Health and Environment
- Climate Change
- Agenda 2030 and the Public-Private Partnership for its Implementation
End-of-study project (Internship, Professional Project, or Master Thesis)
Module I: Architecture of the European Union and European Governance
The most ambitious system of regional governance ever attempted, the European Union is at the heart of this module. The participants are offered an in-depth analysis of the construction of the European Union, its functioning, the role of the institutions, and the Member States. Participants will examine the main EU policies as well as the different powers, interest groups, and policy networks that define European governance.
This module also explores the increasingly important role of the European Union on the world stage. It examines the essential elements and values that found the relations between the European Union and the main international organisations based in Geneva, such as the United Nations (UN), the International Labour Organisation (ILO), the World Health Organisation (WHO), and the World Intellectual Property Organisation (WIPO). The relationship with the World Trade Organisation (WTO) is dealt with specifically in Module VI.
Module II: Architecture of the United Nations System and Global Governance
In an increasingly globalized world where the importance of multilateral dialogues and cooperation is ever-growing, the United Nations remains a central forum for progressing ideas and a platform for action. In the course of the module, participants will attend lectures and practical workshops as well as participate in study visits aimed at providing a deep understanding of the functioning of the United Nations system and explaining the creation, structure, mandate, governance, and decision-making process of its main bodies and organisations.
Participants will learn more about the main decision-makers in Geneva and will have a unique opportunity to meet practitioners from the major institutions, enabling them to strengthen their knowledge of the intergovernmental machinery of the UN System and other international organisations.
Module III: Key Skills for a National or International Career Dealing with Global Issues
This module helps participants significantly improve their negotiation, public speaking, report writing, and other skills that are indispensable for a successful career at the national or international level.
After a series of intensive and highly interactive workshops, participants will emerge confident to conduct complex negotiations, enhance their leadership qualities, improve their aptitudes of recording and summarising results of conferences and meetings as well as develop their public speaking, report writing, leadership, and negotiation skills.
In addition, the MEIG Programme provides you with insights from senior officials in different fields.
Module IV: Human Rights and Migration
This module underlines the importance of European and international Human Rights protection in contemporary global politics. Participants will be introduced to the key concepts and mechanisms of human rights allowing them to analyse and evaluate the impact of human rights protection on global policies and international relations. They will examine the differences in human rights protection at European, regional, and international levels. A specific emphasis is given to the work of the Human Rights Council and the Human Rights High Commissioner, both based in Geneva.
Participants will also better understand the interplay between human rights and migration, a particularly relevant topic of our times. The module examines the enhanced need for the protection of migrants, asylum seekers, and refugees in the context of European and international governance. Other regional perspectives are also studied in this context.
The cooperation developed in that field between the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR) and the International Organisation for Migration (IOM), both based in Geneva, is of first importance.
Module V: Peace, Security, and Humanitarian Affairs
After more than seventy-five years after the creation of the United Nations and thirty years after the end of the Cold War, conflicts have evolved in their form and the type of actors involved. They are linked to new challenges such as energy, finance, pandemics, environmental disasters, and armed conflicts.
The module seeks to prepare participants to better navigate the structure of the United Nations’ work in tackling current peace and security challenges by providing participants with an overview of recent and current global events and how the United Nations addressed them. Participants will acquire an understanding of the current international situation that creates considerable challenges for governments in mobilizing effectively and rapidly their human and financial resources to promote peace and security. Special attention will be paid to the role of the ICRC in that field.
Module VI: Digital Governance
New technological developments have created a completely new environment encompassing all areas of today’s societies including governance processes on local, national, regional, and international levels. The module focuses on how new digital technologies have changed public governance processes before turning to specific issues such as data protection and the impact of artificial intelligence.
The module will also tackle the dark side of technological progress by analyzing the issue of cyber security and cyber warfare. It also emphasizes the special role Geneva plays as a hotspot and global hub for the governance of digital innovation.
Module VII: International Trade and Development
The multilateral trade regime is at the heart of this module. Participants will gain a deep knowledge of the main topics and challenges that are at stake at the international level. The module will also tackle the increasing tension between bilateralism and multilateralism in trade issues. This field of international governance concerns several international organisations based in Geneva.
The World Trade Organisation (WTO) is, of course, the key actor in this field.
However, other aspects related to international trade are also dealt with within this module about the activities carried out by the United Nations Conference on Trade and Development (UNCTAD), the World Intellectual Property Organisation (WIPO), and the World Health Organisation (WHO). The interaction between these international organisations will be studied to determine which are the most important actors that states or non-state actors deal with when it comes to international trade. The European Union and its common commercial policy demonstrate engagement on the international scene in all aspects of trade policy, including investments and intellectual property rights related to trade. Other regional actors are also dealt with accordingly.
Module VIII: Health and Environment
This module focuses on health and environmental policies as they relate to each other. As health issues are becoming increasingly important at the global level, the module explores the actors that shape health policy, including the structures and features of European and international healthcare. Participants explore the key health issues and challenges at European and international levels. The module also discusses the cooperation between the different entities dealing with health in Geneva, in particular the World Health Organisation (WHO).
The second part of the module covers a wide range of environmental issues at European and international levels, such as climate change and pollution, including air quality, water, and nature conservation. Participants will gain a deep knowledge of the essential elements of environmental protection, covering the most important multilateral environment agreements. They will develop a good understanding of justice and sustainability as central principles in environmental health.
The overall objective is to provide participants with the knowledge, critical understanding, and skills for active involvement in the development, delivery, and evaluation of a range of public health and environment initiatives.
Module IX: Climate Change
This module provides comprehensive knowledge of the challenges represented by climate change. It allows participants to question and explore the issue of climate change in terms of governance. To better understand the core issues underlying climate change, renowned professors and practitioners will address the definition, the indicators, and the consequences of climate change.
Given that overview, participants deal with the objectives to be achieved at different levels of governance (international, regional, national, and subnational) in the context of the current climate situation. In this perspective, they will consider the various problems raised in the field, analyze the mechanisms put into place to solve them and study the various actors involved in the process of governance.
The overall objective is to provide participants with knowledge of the implications of climate change in the fields of human rights, migration, agriculture, and economic growth. Practical sessions, case studies, and group discussions will allow a better understanding of the challenges and difficulties raised by climate change issues.
Module X: Agenda 2030 and the Public-Private Partnership for its Implementation
This module aims to provide participants with an in-depth understanding of Agenda 2030, the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), and the global partnership for their implementation. The SDG Lab, where innovative solutions are shaped, is at the heart of the matter. High-level representatives from business and international organisations will explain how business supports and respect human rights, contribute to gender equality, or face environmental challenges. A highlight will be given on how corruption affects good governance and how this issue is addressed by public and private actors. ILO representatives will explain how the organization succeeds in bringing together governments, employers, and workers on labour issues. Special attention will also be given to the global partnership for innovation.
At the end of the programme, participants will have better knowledge and skills enabling them to contribute to better governance.
Di seguito i link per accedere a ciascun modulo:
Module I
Module II
Module III
Modulo IV
Module V
Module VI
Module VII
Module VIII
Modulo IX
Modulo X
L'Università di Ginevra è al 49° posto nella classifica di Shanghai 2023.