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EURECOM Post Master's Degree in Security in Computer Systems and Communications

Post Master's Degree in Security in Computer Systems and Communications

Biot, Francia

16 Months


Tempo pieno

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EUR 6.000 / per year *

Nel campus

* 6000€: quota di iscrizione intera per studenti UE; 12000€: quota di iscrizione intera per studenti extra-UE


The goal of the Post Master's degree is to provide advanced skills and a cutting-edge experience in a wide range of Digital Security applications. The strength of the program relies on a multi-faceted approach dealing with key fields of security applications: Security of Software, Embedded Systems, Cloud computing, Data, IoT, Networks, and Communications.


Con il rapido sviluppo dei computer e dei sistemi di comunicazione nella nostra vita privata e professionale, oggi sono arrivate frodi e atti malevoli in varie forme. Gli attacchi spaziano abitualmente da semplici disturbi informatici alla criminalità informatica e minacce alle infrastrutture critiche. Negli ultimi dieci anni i mezzi tecnici per contrastare questi attacchi hanno registrato un’enorme crescita e la nascita di campi completamente nuovi:

  • The large-scale use of cryptography by the general public.
  • Software, operating system, and network security.
  • Secure Internet transactions.
  • Security of mobile and wireless communications.
  • Rights management and protection of multimedia content.


The Post Master's degree offers the necessary technical knowledge for engineers responsible for designing secure systems and system administrators responsible for ensuring computer and network security within a company or a public authority.

The following security topics will be covered:

  • cryptography and its applications
  • malware detection and analysis
  • specific mechanisms for the protection of communications, networks, and distributed computer applications
  • image protection and biometric techniques



Tassa di iscrizione al programma

Testimonianze degli studenti

Sulla scuola
