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Charles University Faculty of Education Master in Formazione Docente di Canto Corale con doppio approfondimento Formativa Docente di Musica per le Scuole Secondarie di I e di II grado
Charles University Faculty of Education

Master in Formazione Docente di Canto Corale con doppio approfondimento Formativa Docente di Musica per le Scuole Secondarie di I e di II grado

Prague, Repubblica Ceca

2 Years


Tempo pieno

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EUR 2.334 / per year *

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* online application fee: 820 CZK


Formazione Insegnante di Canto Corale

Lo scopo di questo programma di studi è quello di formare un diplomato in grado di diventare direttore di cori di diversi tipi e livelli (bambini, ragazze, semimisti di giovani, donne, misti e anche uomini). Lo studio è legato al precedente studio di laurea, concentrato sull'acquisizione di particolari conoscenze e abilità musicali. Il corso di laurea magistrale si concentra sulla collaborazione con materie pedagogiche e psicologiche e con la prassi in diversi cori per lo sviluppo delle competenze pedagogiche musicali. Le materie tengono conto dell'orientamento pedagogico di un master.

Teacher Education of Music for Lower and Upper Secondary Schools

The study program follows on from the bachelor's study program Music Education with a focus on education.

The aim of the study program is to provide its graduates with a comprehensive master's degree, which will prepare them for the profession of music teacher at the 2nd level of primary and secondary schools. The study program takes into account the proportionality of the cognitive, didactic, and pedagogical-psychological components of the training, while the field knowledge gained in the bachelor's degree is further systematized and applied in the field of didactics and professional subjects closely related to it. Graduates of the study program are competent to independently create school educational programs in the educational field of Arts and Culture. They are ready to teach music education with all its aspects in the field of knowledge and skills. The study program builds on creative activities in the field of music education and its didactics. The field component is focused on a deeper understanding of music education issues, which is reflected in the teaching of music education in primary and secondary schools. Musical phenomena and concepts are presented in a broader context and relationships between different types of science and art. The music didactic component is based on the knowledge gained in music pedagogical research and on best practices verified in practice. The music theory and pedagogical component can then be deepened in a doctoral study program, e.g. Music Theory and Pedagogy. The study program in the major plan respects the balance of subject, didactic and pedagogical-psychological components of training according to the standards of teacher training of the Ministry of Education. Pedagogical-psychological training includes subjects of pedagogy, psychology, and special pedagogy, including pedagogical-psychological practice.


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