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CESI - École d'Ingénieurs

CESI - École d'Ingénieurs

CESI - École d'Ingénieurs


Eccellenza fuori dagli schemi

Il CESI - École d'Ingénieurs, fondato nel 1958 da aziende industriali, conta oggi 28.000 studenti in 25 campus in tutta la Francia, dotati di attrezzature didattiche all'avanguardia, 106.000 ex allievi, 8.000 aziende partner e 130 collaborazioni con università di tutto il mondo.

La CESI ha sviluppato un modello unico nell’ambito dell’istruzione superiore. La nostra Graduate School of Engineering assiste i suoi studenti in aree come

  • Industria e innovazione
  • Ingegneria informatica e del software/tecnologia digitale
  • Qualità, Sicurezza, Ambiente e Sviluppo Sostenibile
  • Ingegneria civile e costruzione

attraverso la sua offerta formativa composta dai seguenti programmi: Programma 'Grande École', Laurea Triennale, Master Professionale, Executive Post-Graduate Programs®, Executive Programs, Ph.D. Programma e programmi per studenti internazionali. Convinto della necessità di coniugare scienza e tecnologia con le scienze sociali, il CESI si distingue anche per i suoi programmi in Risorse umane e Management.

Scegliere i Programmi Internazionali del CESI

Come studente internazionale, francofono e anglofono, hai l'opportunità di studiare diversi programmi CESI in Francia, a seconda del tuo livello di istruzione, che vanno dai diplomi universitari ai diplomi post-laurea o titoli equivalenti ottenuti all'estero:

  • Programma "Grande École" (laurea magistrale)
  • Laurea magistrale in ingegneria
  • Laurea in Informatica
  • Programmi post-laurea esecutivi®

Alcuni dei nostri programmi offrono un cosiddetto anno preparatorio, che consente di migliorare le competenze accademiche o linguistiche e, quindi, di facilitare il proseguimento degli studi: Percorso di laurea in ingegneria.

Poiché accoglierti è uno degli impegni del CESI, i nostri team ti affiancheranno nella preparazione del tuo arrivo e si prenderanno cura di tutte le pratiche amministrative, qualunque sia il programma che sceglierai.

L’aspetto internazionale è al centro del nostro piano strategico ed educativo. Qual è l'obiettivo? Per offrirti un'esperienza veramente multiculturale, un'opportunità per ampliare i tuoi orizzonti e una finestra sul mercato del lavoro in Francia e all'estero. Tutti i programmi formativi del CESI soddisfano gli standard europei e internazionali, in particolare mediante la suddivisione dell'anno accademico in semestri o l'erogazione di crediti ECTS. Inoltre, CESI detiene la carta ERASMUS+ e collabora con numerosi attori internazionali come Campus France o l’Iniziativa CDIO.


Key figures

  • 60 years experience in engineering training
  • 106,000 alumni
  • 28,000 trained students each year on our 25 campuses
  • 9 Executive Post-Graduate Programs® certified by the CGE
  • 130 partner universities worldwide
  • 8,000 partner companies

    Caratteristiche del campus

    25 campuses in France

    CESI covers the entire French territory with its 25 campuses.

    Associations packed with experience to develop your skills

    The BDE (Student Council) and the BDS (Sports Council) contribute to the community life on campus. Elected each year by the students, the BDE is in charge of all events on campus.

    There are over 100 clubs and associations on our 25 campuses.

    Thanks to these activities, students develop additional skills.

    Students can lead or participate in a variety of activities, and join different sports, cultural or humanitarian events, often on a national scale:

    • Participation in competitions of the Grandes Écoles: e=M6, Course Croisière de l'EDHEC, Euromanager, 4L Trophy, 24H de Stan, Coupe de France de robotique, Défi H, Challenge du Monde des Grandes Ecoles.
    • Organization of humanitarian missions: drinking water in Nicaragua, library in Mexico, mutual aid for Haiti.
    • Cultural and sporting activities: music, karting, football, volleyball, salsa, organization of weekends (skiing, European capitals).

    Our campuses also participate in ErasmusDays and offer a range of European and international events throughout the year, often organized by our students.

    The Integration Seminar

    The year begins with an educational integration seminar on campus. This seminar allows you to know your class and the problem-based and project-based teaching methods used at the school.

    The Integration Weekend (WEI)

    Every year, a team organizes the WEI. This key event gathers new students and those in upper years from each campus to help them integrate more easily.

    An exceptional place is always chosen for the WEI, where many sporting and recreational activities are offered!


      Undergraduate Level

      The Undergraduate Level (five-year engineering program) is accessible after a scientific or technological secondary education diploma equivalent to French secondary education.

      The program consists of two years of undergraduate studies (which do not lead to a degree), followed by three years in an engineering program, leading to an engineering degree (Master’s Degree).

      Graduate Level

      The Graduate Level (three-year engineering program) leads to an engineering degree (Master’s Degree). It’s accessible after a Bachelor’s Degree, a Bachelor’s Degree (bac+3), or a CPGE (Undergraduate courses for Higher Education), as well as certain undergraduate degrees bac +2 (Vocational training courses (BTS), technical degrees (BUT2), Bachelor’s Degree bac+2) under certain conditions.

      This program is available in French or English (Industrial Engineering or Digital Science) at certain campuses.

      Post-Graduate Level

      The Post-Graduate Level (Executive Post-Graduate Programs®) is a 12-month program that enables you to acquire a very specific specialization or to enhance your knowledge in a particular field. It’s accessible after a Master’s Degree (bac +5), a Bachelor’s Degree (bac +4) with at least three years of professional experience, or an equivalent degree obtained abroad.

      Engineering Degree Pathway

      French engineering Pathway

      • Academic requirements:

      You must have at least a Bachelor’s Degree in the subject you are aiming to study in the Master’s Degree, which does not include the language and/or science requirements.

      • Language requirements:

      In French: A2 level according to the CEFR is required. If you don’t have this level, you can take an intensive language course before your engineering path starts.

      In English: if you have an A2 level in French, a good level of English is required: IELTS > 6, TOEFL (paper-based test) > 600, TOEFL (online test) > 90, TOEIC > 850. If you are a French-speaking student or if have a level equivalent to B2 in French, the requirement for English is A2.

      Pre-Master’s Pathway, in partnership with the ‘n+i’ network

      • Academic requirements:

      You must have a Bachelor’s Degree in the subject you are aiming to study in the Master’s Degree, which does not include the language and/or science requirements.

      • Language requirements:

      In French: A2 level according to the CEFR is required. If you don’t have this level, you can take an intensive language course before your Pre-Master’s Pathway starts.

      Find out more about nplusi’s PIL (Language Integration Package).

      In English: if you have an A2 level in French, a good level of English is required: IELTS > 6, TOEFL (paper-based test) > 600, TOEFL (online test) > 90, TOEIC > 850. If you are a French-speaking student or have a level equivalent to B2 in French, the requirement for English is A2.

      Borse di studio e finanziamenti

      Campus France

      Depending on your profile, or your country of origin, you may also be eligible for other scholarships. Please consult the Campus France scholarship brochure.

      Excellence Major

      Excellence-Major scholarships are awarded based on exceptional performance criteria to international high school graduates from the network of French high schools around the world, so they can pursue higher education studies in France.


      FlyWire, a global payments enablement and software company, offers scholarships through the Flywire Charitable Foundation, which is committed to improving access to quality education and healthcare. Scholarships are awarded to eligible students to help them manage the costs associated with their education.

      Avenir Scholarship

      For students of Spanish or French-Spanish nationality.

      DAAD Scholarships

      Founded in Heidelberg in 1925, since then DAAD has become one of the world’s leading funding organizations for the international exchange of students and researchers.


      The Franco-German Youth Office (FGYO) can subsidize your stay.


      • Lille

        Campus Arts et Métiers 8 Bd Louis XIV, 59000, Lille

        • Arras

          7 rue Diderot, 62000, Arras

          • Rouen

            80 rue Edmund Halley Rouen Madrillet Innovation Saint-Étienne-du-Rouvray , 76800 , Rouen

            • Reims

              7 bis avenue Robert Schuman, 51100, Reims

              • Nanterre

                93 boulevard de La Seine CS 40177, 92023, Nanterre

                • Caen

                  Campus EPOPEA 4 place Boston CITIS bat. Ambassadeur Hérouville-Saint-Clair , 14200, Caen

                  • Brest

                    2 avenue de Provence, 29200, Brest

                    • Le Mans

                      44 avenue Frédéric Auguste Bartholdi, 72000, Le Mans

                      • Orléans

                        1 Allée du Titane, 45100, Orléans

                        • Vandœuvre-lès-Nancy

                          CESI École d’Ingénieurs 19 Avenue De La Forêt De Haye, 54500, Vandœuvre-lès-Nancy

                          • Strasbourg

                            2 allée des Foulons Parc des Tanneries BP 50016 Lingolsheim, 67380, Strasbourg

                            • Saint-Nazaire

                              24, le Paquebot, 44603, Saint-Nazaire

                              • Nantes

                                1 avenue Augustin Louis Cauchy La Chantrerie CS 10793, 44307, Nantes

                                • Dijon

                                  22 B rue du Cap Vert Quetigny, 21800, Dijon

                                  • La Rochelle

                                    Bâtiment Lab In’Tech 8 rue Isabelle Autissier Lagord, 17140, La Rochelle

                                    • Angoulême

                                      Pôle d’excellence 40 route de la Croix du Milieu La Couronne, 16400, Angoulême

                                      • Lyon

                                        La Doua 15 avenue Albert Einstein Villeurbanne, 69100, Lyon

                                        • Grenoble

                                          7 chemin du vieux chêne Inovallée Meylan, 38240, Grenoble

                                          • Bordeaux

                                            Immeuble le Phénix 264 boulevard Godard CS 90113, 33070, Bordeaux

                                            • Toulouse

                                              16 rue Magellan Labège, 31670, Toulouse

                                              • Montpellier

                                                Immeuble Le Quatrième Zone Aéroportuaire de Montpellier Méditerranée Mauguio, 34130, Montpellier

                                                • Aix-en-Provence

                                                  La Canopée 390 Rue Claude Nicolas Ledoux, 13290, Aix-en-Provence

                                                  • Nice

                                                    13, avenue Simone Veil, 06200, Nice

                                                    • Pau

                                                      8 rue des Frères d’Orbigny, 64000, Pau

                                                      • Assat

                                                        Pôle Aéropolis, Cours de l'Industrie, 1, 64510, Assat

                                                        • Vandœuvre-lès-Nancy

                                                          Nancy - Spécialité Informatique de CESI 14-16 Allée de la Forêt de la Reine, 54500, Vandœuvre-lès-Nancy

                                                          • Vandœuvre-lès-Nancy

                                                            Nancy - Spécialité Informatique de CESI 14-16 Allée de la Forêt de la Reine, 54500, Vandœuvre-lès-Nancy
